The world of transformation based Text adventures


Virtual worlds where magic and science fiction exist might soon be  at your finger tips. With the use of TADS, a text adventure development system, and an author tool currently under construction, games featuring luscious environments, and complex twists and puzzles which could lead to various transformations might soon be relatively easy to create.

TG-TADS (Transgender Text Adventure Development System) is a work in progress where the player, as well as any other character in the game, can have their body altered in many different ways. By giving them physical characteristics, you can...

As you see, the entire world can respond differently depending on what who the player is, and there is the ability to change those attributes during game play (either with the players approval, or without their consent!)

Many of the ideas mentioned above would require a lot of work for the designer, but when these tools are finished, authors will be able to implement many of them with only a little bit of extra work.

Some of the areas that are currently under development include:


Areas that are too be worked on soon include:

Because of the extremely large amounts of writing that must be done to make this work well, and the fact that I am a terrible writer, I am asking for anyone's help that might be interested.

Help could come in the fashion of describing the various body types that are possible, as well as the various clothing items and objects that might be needed to complete the basic modules. You need not have programming experience, but those who can write TADS code would also be welcome!

For more information about helping out, click here , or contact me at and I'll let you know what is needed.

Please note that much of the work will have some affiliation with transsexual and transvestite themes. This is not intended to become an adult gaming system, but the themes involved may not be suitable to everyone.

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