I have a ton of ideas that can be done with this. Unfortunately, I have a
limited amount of time. If you are interested in helping, please let me know.
Here are some of the things that I could use help with:
Spelling, Grammer, as well as bug reports and comments are
always welcome. I am a Computer Science person, and while I don't have any
real excuses for these types of errors, I don't catch some of these things as
well as I should.
Description development. I am not a good writer. As such, my
writing tends to be predictable and even sometimes just plain dull. Anyone who
wants to contribute any sort of descriptive material is very much welcome to
do so. Such descriptions might need be only a word or two describing a
particular type of attribute (such as a person's eyes or nose). Others might
be longer descriptions which are affected by a whole series of smaller
attributes. If interested, we can work out the logistics of this sort of help.
Clothing Development! There is much that I just don't know about
clothing. If you are interested in sending me descriptions of different
clothing items (from modern and mundane items, to anything else that might be
neat to add), I can utilize these to create new clothing classes. In the end,
I hope that authors of these games will be able to create any number of items
by using very simple code.
Presently, I am working on adding races and ages. My experiences with
young people is pretty little. As such, I have no idea how tall a 10 year boy
or girl should be. Also, I would like some help in selecting descriptions that
will not offend people because of their race. From the amount of 'Cultural
Change' Fiction on fiction mania, there is a lot of interest in changing a
person's genetic heretage as well as other attributes. I would like some
comments on how best to describe people of various ethnic origins without
insulting anyone. Any information along these lines will be greatly
Finally, programmers, and brainstormers are also welcome. I am developing
this stuff as I go ( very bad for concise design ), so any input is helpful.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Also, if you are familiar
with basic programming and are interested in doing some coding yourself, let
me know.
Finally, this is always going to be freeware. Any contributions will be noted
inline in the code (if applicable ) as well as in the version listing (when ever
I get around to adding that little bit of code!)Your contributions will be
simply for the betterment of the TG community. I personally am hoping that this
will work well enough, that some of the better writers will use this to create
some good games. I don't expect, however, that they would be willing to do so,
if their own writing is marred by my own bumbling descriptions.
For now, just send comments and help offers to me at tgtads@excite.com, and I'll get back
to you as soon as I can.
Email me!    
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